The diversity of board members is vital for the most productive boards. They should come from different backgrounds and skills. This gives a broad range of ideas and perspectives as well as encourages collaborative decision-making and ensures that every board member is actively participants in the discussions. It also helps to have an environment of openness and transparency to all voices, including those that are not in agreement, so as that all board members feel that their opinions are valued and that their opinions are heard.

Every individual has a preferred way of communicating. This is the reason it’s essential for administrators to understand the preferences of each individual board member and develop an effective communication strategy that caters to them individually. For instance, some older board members might appreciate calling to get important information while others may prefer text messages or emails.

By providing board members with information in a a concise and clear format, they are able to better understand the issue and make an informed decisions in between meetings. This allows them to quickly determine any risks or opportunities that may affect the organization.

Having access to the tools they need to communicate with one another during meetings improves productivity and helps foster rapport. It doesn’t matter if it’s an online calendar or board portal or a messaging application, the best tools enable seamless communication both in person and remotely as long as you adhere to the guidelines for data protection, and can be used on any device.

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