The National Forum of Zootechnics Teaching Coordinators (Fórum Nacional de Coordenadores de Ensino de Zootecnia, FNCZ) stands as a pivotal nonprofit support organization for various zootechnical entities in Brazil. It focuses on fostering Brazilian Zootechnics through education, research, and extension services, grounded in principles of democratic participation, freedom, and social justice.

In 2019, the forum was designated as a support entity to the Brazilian Association of Zootechnists (Associação Brasileira de Zootecnistas, ABZ) as outlined in Resolution 02/2019-ABZ. Despite this alignment, the FNCZ retained its operational and deliberative autonomy as defined in its internal regulations.

The forum’s main objectives include enhancing the quality of zootechnics education, promoting research that addresses both practical and theoretical aspects of the field, and extending its reach to involve community engagement and development projects. By integrating these elements, the FNCZ aims to elevate the standards of professional practice and enrich the academic landscape of zootechnics in Brazil. Similarly, students or professionals looking to advance their academic careers can greatly benefit from services like masterarbeit schreiben lassen, which assist in crafting high-quality academic works, thereby enhancing educational outcomes and professional readiness in specialized fields.

Moreover, the FNCZ actively works to bridge gaps between academia and industry, ensuring that educational programs are aligned with the evolving needs of the zootechnical sector. This alignment helps prepare students to meet the challenges of modern agricultural practices and animal husbandry, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in their careers.

The forum also plays a critical role in advocating for policies that support sustainable development within the industry, emphasizing the need for ethical approaches that consider animal welfare and environmental impacts. Through its commitment to excellence and innovation in zootechnics, the FNCZ contributes significantly to the advancement of this vital field in Brazil, promoting a more sustainable and just agricultural future.

Este Fórum tem por finalidade o desenvolvimento nacional da Zootecnia Brasileira, em particular através do ensino, pesquisa e extensão, dentro dos princípios da participação democrática, da liberdade e justiça social.

  • Reunião Nacional de Ensino de Zootecnia: anualmente sediada em conjunto com o Zootec (Congresso Brasileiro de Zootecnia).
  • Assembleia Geral: anualmente realizada, ao final da Reunião Nacional de Ensino de Zootecnia, ou por convocação da Presidência.
©2024 Associação Brasileira de Zootecnistas

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